UniversalRP Rules

Written by
click to connect - DarkRP

General Rules
1. You may not use Multi-Binds such as */advert Raid/Mug/Kidnap*
2. You may not flee a Admin Sit. Doing so is a Instant Punishment
3. Any kind of PropAbuse is strictly disallowed.
4. Use Common Sense when playing.
5. You may not Job Abuse (Switch to a job just to use it's abilities and then switching job after using the ability)
6. You may not Roleplay in Spawn.

7. Your not allowed to RDM (Kill someone without a Valid Roleplay Reason)
8. Do not break Nlr (for example. If someone raids you and you die then you will not be allowed to return until they have written /advert Over)

Roleplay Rules
1. FearRP is active. You may not pull a gun on someone who is holding a Weapon/stungun on you.
2. You're allowed to Harass Players but not in OOC!!!
3. Running away from a Mug/Kidnap is counted as FearRP
4. You may not return to you previous death Position within 3Minutes! (May not Kill raiders if already killed and under NLR)
5. Use common sense when using the Grappling Hook. You may not Grapple Cars or Players without a Valid RP Reason.
6. To have the right to kill someone you must type "/y Warn 10seconds MINIMUM" otherwise it's counted as RDM. Unless you have a KOS Sign.

Building Rules
1. Maximum Fading Doors for a Entrence is 3.
2. You may not have a Crouch/Jump/Black/Maze Base (Having to Crouch/Go through a Maze to get access to valuables)

3. Having 2 faded props in a row activating to the same keypad is not allowed.
4. You may have 2 Extra Fading Doors for Printers.
Don't build trap bases, people must be able to leave the same way in which they entered the building
6. Minimum time for a keypad to be open is 5Seconds
7. You may use World-Glow to see through props (IN YOUR BASE)
8. You are not allowed to have any Valuables in your base while having a Building Sign up.
9. You are not allowed to shoot through One-Way Props.

10. You may not have a unfair base where you can shoot the raider but the raider can't shoot you. (Staff Decides)
11. The Space between a "Shooting Hole" has to be atleast 1keypad wide.
12. You may NOT use Cameras for an Excuse to shoot through One Way Props.
13. Developers & Founders word are final. They can change a Server Rule when ever they want if needed or so choose to.

Criminal Activity Rules
1. Max Mug Amount is $2000, You may not kill a Person if they're complying and giving atleast some money.
2. Mug Cooldown is 5Minutes.
3. Raid Cooldown is 15Minutes.
4. You may not build during a Raid.
5. You may only hold Hostage (Kidnap) for 15minutes as maximum. (Max Ransum is 50k)

(WIP)Jobs Rules